Stapleford Abbotts Welfare Trust
Stapleford Abbotts Welfare Trust is an amalgamation of several charities that have existed in the village for many years, some from the 18th century. It aims to help people living in the village who may be going through a time of hardship and also carries on the tradition of giving out food hampers at Christmas.
Originally this was bread and meat distributed at Easter and Christmas.
The trust meets twice a year to decide who it can help either financially or with a hamper.
Further meetings can be called if something of extreme circumstances comes to the Trust’s notice.
The hampers are prepared and distributed by the Welfare Trust trustees.
Over the past year the trust has arranged outings and teas with the aim of bringing people together, especially those who are lonely or unable to get out unaided. It is hoped that this will continue next year along with the Christmas hampers.
If you or someone you know who lives in the parish of Stapleford Abbotts would like to be included in any of the trusts activities or receive a hamper please contact the secretary – Mandy McCormack on 0333 006 4570 or email